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Old 04-08-2013, 10:07 PM
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ALS is on a distinguished road

I've seen too many people over the years screw up their lives with recreational drugs and alcohol. Sure there are some people that have done them occasionally and got away with it but most watch their lives disintegrate around them.

One of my friends had a great career ahead of him in the Pennsylvania State Police. His addiction to Cocaine and alcohol ended what could have been a great future. He lost his beautiful wife and son when she walked out when he wouldn't admit he had a problem. I don't think the guy has ever held a job paying more than $12 an hour.

My best friend in High School watched one of his college friends end his career days before graduation from Carnegie Mellon University.
His friend had a few days free between finishing his final exams and graduation, so this guy decides he is going to do some LSD. He figured this is probably the last chance he'll have since he had a great job lined up after graduation. Being he was not savvy on drug use, the dealer he bought from told him to take three hits when he handed him three baggies with three pills each. Problem was this guy didn't realize that the three pills in each of the baggies was the three hits. This young man instead of taking three pills ended up taking all nine pills. He screwed up his mind and was never right after that drug trip. A degree in electrical engineering from one of the top Universities in the United States and his future was over before he even walked up to accept his diploma.

It is all fun and games in your teens and twenties but when you head into your thirties you will start to count the number of people around you who have fallen prey to drugs and alcohol.
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