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Old 04-26-2013, 03:07 PM
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ALS is on a distinguished road

The one thing I've noticed on these videos of the autograph sessions is the type of fans Alizée has. They are regular everyday people you pass on the street or in the mall. You know how when you see a performer interacting with their fans you can almost typecast the fans into groups who are interested in their music because others around them are fans. Alizée's fans seem to be individuals that go with what they like not what the group says is today's hot trendy performer.

I remember back in High School when the hot act at the time came to town all the popular girls just had to go to their concert. It was more peer pressure than a real interest in that particular musical group. The first time I saw this was a buddy of mine Jake went out an scored tickets for the sold out concert for his girl friend. She and her girl friends were all into this band supposedly. Well Jake tells her he got tickets to her "favorite" bands concert as a surprise. She tells him she wasn't really interested in going she would rather just hang out. That when it first hit me on group or mob stardom. She only appeared to be a big fan the band because all the popular girls at the school were into this band.
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