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Old 01-08-2007, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Sir Wood View Post
Nah, we’re just appreciating the artistry in its entirety. Why study art history, when we have modern art? You can't ignore history, or else you can't appreciate the present... err, you get the gist.

Your angle is just one of morals and ethics.

Actually, the law varies from state to state.
Nooooo Actually an American can be prosecuted by America for crossing STATE OR NATIONAL borders to have sex with someone under 18. Yes thats right. For example you go to Alabama (age of consent 15) from Illinois (age of consent 17) to have sex with a 17 year old you can be federally prosecuted. Or if you go from Alabama (15) to have sex with a 17 year old in France you can be prosecuted in America. Not kidding and yes Im sure.

The key here is its Federal law you cant cross borders to have sex w under 18.
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