Thread: Bad news .
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Old 05-19-2013, 06:53 PM
Kronos Kronos is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 82
Kronos is on a distinguished road

Oh no, you found some bad reviews of an album, it's not like you can find good and bad reviews of fucking everything right?

I'm quite sure most fans are quite aware of her situation, but thanks anyway for being such a hero and taking "responsibility" by spreading even more shit into these forums. I'm really not sure what you hope to achieve by making me "aware" of these reviews? Is knowing that the general public does not listen to her supposed to make me enjoy 5 more or less, or do you want me to run around the streets putting stickers on peoples cars screaming to everyone to buy her album?

This is exactly why I don't post much on forums, people really can't accept where she is now and you can't go 2 pages without someone bitching about how she isn't acting like that, dancing like this and oh my god I wish she would stop getting tattoos even though it's quite obvious at this point that she doesn't give a fuck.

And no I'm not upset because of some bad reviews, it's you people circulating them, outweighing the good ones, and constantly poisoning this community with ridiculous amounts of pessimism. I really don't want to listen to Je veux bien and start thinking, oh no, will this be sung on TV anytime soon? Will she have a concert?

Just enjoy the music, jesus christ
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