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Old 07-08-2013, 08:25 PM
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Euphoria Euphoria is offline
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Euphoria is on a distinguished road

IMHO, I believe Alizee is a case of "can't have your cake and eat it too." It's like she wants the good aspects of being super famous without the bad. She wants to fill a big venue, but doesn't really want to do the work. She takes too long of a break in between albums and doesn't do that much promotion.

I'll admit they gave 5 a decent effort with promotion. Not really the best because they released ACDA and then postponed the album. Then when it came out, they were still using ACDA for promotion. They should have chosen a new song sooner. Nobody cares about a song that came out a year ago.

I think she'd do well as an artist like Emilie Autumn who is not considered super famous, but she tours the world doing fairly small concerts.
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