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Old 10-12-2013, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by DrSmith View Post
Doesn't Lili feel the same way about her "Lolita" image ? I thought that was part of the reason why she distanced herself from it.

There is a HUGE difference. Alizée played her part with dignity. And she definitely had lines she would not cross. The audience knew it, and it was part of her appeal.

The woman on the show looked like a whore, and the entire production went for the maximum shock value and trashiness.

Alizée was never that, and even to imply that kiddingly would have been embarrassing to her. As you said, it was a role she played, and she played it with a dignity that people will forget if they see this trash, as the lines will blur a bit in peoples minds.

I could imagining her looking around her and trying to figure out what type of person actually derived enjoyment from such a low life event? What type of person would tune into to it day-to-day?
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