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Old 10-15-2013, 06:44 AM
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Karin Karin is offline
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well... my opinion:

Generally I think, Psychédélices is still on the top after Mylene era... I dont mean just album, but everything around it. We cant forget, it was her comeback to music, TV interviews, TV shows. We cant forget there was a tour, not log, but was. During Psychédélices, mexican fans had 3 chances to see Alizée: 1. The promo trip to Mexico, 2. Psychédélices Tour, 3. Lunas del Auditorio Awards. From all her "after Mylene" albums, only by Psychédélices were released many things from ordinary CDs, to remixes CDs, album vinyl, MJ picture vinyl, then MJ and FS remixes vinyl.

But when I look after UEDS, the yea... everythings whats going after UEDS/before release "5" and after it its much better and its happening really much more than by UEDS. BUt I think, its missing something from the Psychédélices... they totally forget her mexican fans...

Scruffy, I cant agree with you. I like to see her in DALS, she gets now more attention, but I dont think her popularity is exploding now... its still to early to compare, and with some of the negative articles in some magazines, we can hardly know what in the mind of french public.

What I originally wanted to do with this thread was to was to put together a chronicle of events of this stretch, because it's been such a great stretch, starting with those Sony promotions, the ACDLA unofficial and official videos, but my schedule just hasn't allowed for it. So maybe someone else here might be interested in it and starting a new thread with it with the chronicle being the first post where it can be easliy updated and accessed, which would include photos and videos.
well something similar I made long time before, but never get a attention here...
Its like a documentation, of her activity before releasing "5":

I plan to make too a after "5" release video, something like I made with Psychédélices and UEDS


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