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Old 03-16-2014, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well as always, I will be perfectly blunt and say exactly what my feelings are and I suggest if you haven't liked my views in the past, skip this post.

I said before that the first song of this album needs to be the best and if it is, there will be no concerts or tour. It's a very average song, sounding no different than anything that is out there. Reminds me a lot of when she said "never going to leave you" so many times in one of her songs. How many times will she say "blond" in this song? Is this the best they can come up with? You gotta be kidding me! Are they going to make once again the incredibly stupid mistake of leaving the two songs JJG wrote for her off this album?

It's obvious her and Sony are a combination that just won't work and by the time they figure that out, it will be way too late.
The thing is, Alizée's last 3 albums were different than what was out there at the time, and that didn't seem to work for her. Granted Psyche was what I consider a reasonable success, but UEDS and '5' were not. I'm thinking that this song may do better BECAUSE it's not that different from what's out there right now. I don't think we live in an era where the music buying public is looking for anything adventurous or different. Maybe Alizée's best bet is stick more to the mainstream this time around. I guess time will tell if a mainstream strategy will help her to build a larger following again. What you and I would prefer is probably less important right now, because we are already long term fans. We have followed her through the good times and the bad. Her target audience right now is probably the mainstream. Once she builds her base back up, she can be more adventurous. Like I said, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
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