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Old 03-17-2014, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Panther View Post
I have a question. Why are so many of you so concerned about the commercial 'success' of Alizee's recordings?

There are thousands of excellent musicians and singers all over the world who have long careers making music and who have their loyal fans but who never have 'top 10' or 'top 20 hits'. It does not prevent them from continuing to make music that some people enjoy and that they enjoy making. In fact I would go so far as to say that not bothering about major commercial success gives the artists the freedom to make the music that they want to make rather than some contrived piece of garbage designed to appeal to the masses. If we like the music then what do we care if no one else does?

I happen to really like Emmanuelle Seigner's recordings but she has never had a 'hit' and is never likely to. However she is releasing a new album at the end of this month and I am really looking forward to it. I don't mind that none of my friends have even heard of her. It doesn't prevent me enjoying the music.

So, I repeat the question: why are some of you so hung up about commercial success?
I think this question has 2 answers:
1. There are fans who pray for a succes, but can live without it too.
2. Fans for who is the succes the only quality indicator. No success = the project is mistake (some people here can guess who I mean)

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