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Old 03-17-2014, 02:01 PM
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Panther is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Karin View Post
2. Fans for who is the succes the only quality indicator. No success = the project is mistake (some people here can guess who I mean)

err, let me think about that for a moment ??? no, I have no idea who you mean

Oh well, I suppose I am lucky because if a recording I like isn't a big commercial success I wont be unhappy about that. I do wonder sometimes how many English people have even heard of Alizee? I haven't met anyone here yet who has and I have to admit I quite like that. It's almost like having her all to myself.

As for making money, I don't think many artists make very much these days from actually selling music. Most of what they earn is either from concerts or merchandise and sponsorship etc off the back of the music. She seems to do ok for money so I guess all the little bits and pieces add up. I'm sure she gets a lot of her expensive clothes for free in return for promoting the brands. That goes on all the time, especially since the advent of social media. Plus she will have earned a fair bit from DALS and associated sponsorship.

I am willing to bet that even if this new album isn't a commercial success, she will still produce another album in the future. She will probably do more dance related stuff - and that's a good thing - but she will still be singing long after she has to give up the dancing.
"Lolita has gone, Alizee has arrived!"
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