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Old 06-14-2014, 03:35 AM
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Rev is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
... and in the video of her with Tal, she appears horribly vulnerable and dependent, like a small child hanging tight to her mother's skirt for security....

It could be interpreted as that. However, the video is a bunch of clips that are edited to support the song being sung. I think the author nailed it (picked the right song to describe what is being expressed).

I think Tal is the sister Alizée never had, but apparently wanted. She is a really good friend.

Alizée is several years older than Tal, and often takes the role of older sister (this was clear during DALS). However, Tal is very smart, and so sometimes Alizée defers to her.

In the DALS portion of the clip where she had just danced, Alizée was bursting with emotion. It was crystal clear in her demeanor. She was expressing a combination of "thanks for helping me get such a high score", combined with "I GOT A 79", combined with "I'm emotionally out of control at the moment", and Tal was a safe harbor for all these expressions.
--- pace e salute ---
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