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Old 07-13-2014, 05:01 PM
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
But first she is a singer still. She has no clear priorities. If she wants be a dancer, then it is time wasting to make a music.
Alizee can't make a living solely as a dancer. The money is not there. Chorus girls are a dime a dozen and most of them are younger, more attractive, and better dancers than Alizee. Besides how many entertainers do you know--outside of ballet--who are famous solely as dancers. Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire are long gone. As a professional dancer, Alizee is mediocre. It's not a coincidence that the women she chose to accompany her in the Blond routine are older, less attractive, and have stocky bodies. I think she'd be better served with younger, prettier girls. Alizee won the dance contest because she was competing against amateurs, people who made their livings doing something other than dancing. Her Black Swan was an embarrassment. The dance was dumbed down to her ability. They took out the difficult moves. Her performance lacked energy, and the transitions from one move to another were awkward at best. This is a ballet performed by the top dancers in the world. The contrast between them and Alizee was not flattering. Alizee can dance well enough to do things like her blond routine, which is entertaining. If Alizee is to make a living as an entertainer she will have to stick to what she has a real talent for, singing. That's not to say she shouldn't supplement her singing with dancing as she does in Blond. Alizee might also be able to make it as an actress. She has talked about making movies, but I wonder why she has never tried it. I'm sure she has been offered scripts. You can see talent as an actress in her very first video; but even as an actress, age plays against her. Thirty-years old is a tough time to begin an acting career, especially for a woman, but Alizee has an advantage in that she can bring an audience with her. The most difficult part is finding the right script. She is too old to play the ingenue, and at her age even seasoned actresses have difficulty finding a role. Although she's made some mistakes, I don't think Alizee is flippant about her career. She has a very busy schedule, and I see her working her ass off. Entertainment is a tough business. I really want to see her succeed and would dearly hate for her to disappear from the scene.

Last edited by Shepherd; 07-13-2014 at 05:34 PM..
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