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Old 09-07-2014, 04:59 PM
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Scruffydog777 will become famous soon enough

Though I'm bitterly disappointed by this, I'm not bitter, but as always I'm realistic and praise her when she deserves it and let her have it when she screws up.

I feel really bad for those who may have bought non refundable airline tickets or hotel reservations. Even though they may still be going to see a beautiful city, there is no way to get over the disappointment of not seeing Alizee. I had that type of disappointment earlier in the year in Strasbourg. It's a beautiful city; one I've visited before, but once she cancelled out of Les Enfoires, all I wanted to do was get the hell out of there.

There were it seemed a "few" cities that were doing well in terms of ticket sales, but a few that were doing okay apparently wasn't good enough for Cheyenne productions which I'm sure is understandable. They're in the business to make money; not be a charity case for a singer who can't fill seats.

You have to look back at the mistakes that were made with Blonde. Unfortunatley "Blonde" was the theme of the album and they had to focus on the song Blonde, but compared to what the average French person listens to such as Tal, Shy'm, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, that song never stood a chance and the video was just as lacking.

They tried having her performing this song over and over again, but no matter how much they tried to ram this song down the French people's throat, they wanted no part of it.

There was also the mistake of her appearance. She chose some terrible outfits at times. It ruined what little beauty might have been in her performances. She was singing a song that wasn't that good, wearing outfits that were pitiful compared to what she's capable of; so should it come to a surprise that people didn't want to see her perform?????

Another mistake I think they made is having her perform Blonde at several places in promotional events, when I think she should have, after the album was released, gone to every city on the Tour and held an autograph session. I think despite the poor showing of Blonde, she would have been endeared to everyone who got an autograph from her to the point they would have knocked down walls to go to that show. But she performed the song over and over again; impressing no one.

You also have to look at that fact that she took the month of august off to be on vacation. Now I can't really blame her for that, because up til then, this had probably been one of her busiest periods in many a year and for once in that period, she really needed one, plus we know she places family over career, so there was probably no way she would have went with out.

But if she knew the Tour was in trouble, maybe she would have done with out? I don't think she would have though because for her, her career meant no wheres near as much as family and can we really blame her for that?. I think this vacation was an important time for her. It was a time when once again, her family was whole. Annily had a father figure; she had a "man" who's shoulder she could finally rest her head on. The tour came second to family and could wait; but the Tour was dying, while she was vacationing.

So what happens now? Will there be a Tour later on? It wont happen. Cheyenne wants a big success; not a partial success. They needed the success of an album to make this happen. It's way to late to focus on the good songs of this album that could have made it happen. Besides If she and Sony didn't realize what the good songs of this album were before, do you think they'll realize it now?

Will there be another album? I think a snowball has a better chance in hell. Sony stood idly by when they were working on 5 and she decided to go through a major image change and an ugly change at that (sorry but the gloves are off). They even had the stupidity of trying to put together a beautiful video, then putting that mess of an arm right in the middle of it.
With Blonde, againl, they completely screwed up. Trying to ram a song that wasn't that good down the public's throat, while other good songs were pretty much neglected. As much as I give Sony high marks for trying; I'm firmly convinced Sony and Alizee is a combination that will never work.

So what other record company will want to work with a singer who has produced 4 flops in a row? What company will want to work with a singer who has by her own hand, thrown away one of her greatest assets and that is her beauty and I'm sure she's not yet done?

This has to be the end of her meaningful career. There will be many more appearances here and there. There will be more appearances on Les Enfoires; but there will be no more albums, no more tours and certainly no more concerts.

I have a desperate urge to watch two things tonight; one is En Concert; the other is a song from Les Enfoires that I will probably watch before and after Les Enfoires and that is C'est bientot la fin.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 09-08-2014 at 03:34 AM..
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