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Old 09-08-2014, 12:01 AM
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Wizard Wizard is offline
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Wizard is on a distinguished road

Wow, looks like I'm witnessing the unravelling of a star.

Shame really. I have to agree with Scruffy on this one. So many things could have gone right, especially with her DALS victory, but maybe Sony is really inept at promoting her, or maybe even convincing her to promote the right songs, with the right outfits as well.

I tried to like Blonde (the song) but I was never able to, and coloring her hair seemingly to promote the song and the album, just came across as another gimmick. She doesn't need to do that; her natural beauty, personality, and talent are enough. Even with her tattoos (which I like). There are several songs that are way better in the album. Hard to understand the reason why Blonde was chosen.

I once heard someone say that Dancing With the Stars, here in the USA, is an opportunity for past celebrities to jump start their dead careers. Maybe that's the case, even in France. Seems like her best years, have come and gone. From an outlier's point of view, her recent performances promoting Blonde, looked contrived and old. For such a young girl still, her outfits looked way too conservative and weird. Maybe we've seen the best of Alizée. She flared up to stardom during the MF era, and even though I admired her for seeking her independence, it now all looks like a catastrophic mistake. The world has changed, and she doesn't seem to want to change herself to take advantage and go global, heck even just local, even if just in France. Maybe she believes she has re-captured what she had once in her previous marriage, and just wants get off the ship and settle down. Maybe she's OK with that- even if we are not.

Oh well, if that's what she wants, then bravo for her. I wish her the best (as if that makes any difference lol). I feel cheated though, that It looks like I will not get a chance to see her live in a concert, where she would sing all of her songs. What the heck, I'll enjoy her songs, the once I really like, and see what happens. In the meantime, back to my Rock roots and to my one star here who seems to be doing the right things.
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