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Old 04-22-2015, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
The press can be sneaky. They will watch Twitter for example, and if people (fans or haters) start to post things like "Oh, she is jealous and wouldn't let Gregoire participate" the media will write an article like "Alizée's fans are distraught she that made Gregoire leave DALS," They will show a handful of tweets they found on Twitter all saying "she must be jealous" and then that is out there.
Any news establishment that uses fan tweets as a source and masquerades it as legitimate journalism should be banned from the internet forever. You can tell whatever story you want by cherry picking inflammatory tweets while ignoring everything else. And who's to say that the tweets weren't created by the very same people who are writing the articles? Nothing. It's not journalism, it's glorified blogging, and they should feel like inadequate human beings for it.

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