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Old 04-27-2015, 01:19 PM
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Well a huge part of that for me is right in that picture in the opening post. Her incredible and as I've said a million times, her natural beauty is what grabbed me. Here she looks like she showered, quickly dried her hair, put on a little lipstick and just walked out on stage . There's no big hair do, no jewelry, no war paint on the fingeranils, natural eye brows, yet so incredibly beautiful.

Another thing I like in a woman is one who's somewhat athletic and she's into or was into kick boxing.

A huge part of why I became addicted is MF and LB. I'm sure without his music or her lyrics, there never would have been an Alizee for me and I think that's much more so with his music because I think he produced some very beutiful music and what is more important, it seemed perfectly suited to her voice.. I'm sure without them, she still would have found success, but the combination of Laurent's music, Mylene's songs, her voice, her beauty, her dancing, her personality is what drew me into that irresistable trap. Then I was hooked.

As I just mentioned in another thread. I fell in love with the performer on day 1 and I'm sure it wasn't long after that, when I fell in love with the person and that is more why I'm still here.

I still find it hard to understand why she has had such a huge impact on my life, bringing me out of seven years of depression. Back about 8 years ago, Shania Twain and Faith Hill were the two most beautiful female singers I followed. Shania Twain is another very beautiful woman with a great voice and great figure, but she certainly doesn't do for me what Alizee does.

A big part of that is probably due to the dancing. Its such a pleasure to watch her dance. Incredibly sexy certainly at times, but always incredibly beautiful. It was mesmerizing when she moved her hips but there was even something just so beautiful in the way she flicked her hand in the jam dance.

I think a lot of it too had to do with the way I found out about her. Most artists we know, come out with an album and there might be 1 great song with it, then a couple of good ones, then the rest are fillers. With Alizee, it was like waking up one morning and there was this whole list of great songs that suddenly appeared before our eyes. On top of that, there were so many great performances to see; Amsterdam, Festivalbars, Hotel de Ville, Spain, the Christmas eve Medley, her Eiffel tower performance. I could go on and on and that's not to mention the Les Enfoires and Stars a Domicile shows. It was truely like being a kid and a candy store. So much great stuff to choose from. Right after you discovered one great performance, you discoverd another one. It was truely an overload of enjoyment.

If you had 20 guys in a room, and aksed them who was the most beautiful woman in the world, you'd probably get 20 different answers. If you asked who had the best voice or who was the best dancer in the world, same thing. I think the reason we're all here is of all the similar questions that couldd be asked, in most cases, the people here would answer Alizee.

Getting back to her dancing, the two singers I mentioned before, I don't ever recall them dancing.

I think what might be the biggest factor though is the person she is. Her devotion to Corsica and family; her little waves to the crowd; her appearances for charity on Les Enfoires; the steam coming out of her ears in Poland too revealed the type of person she was. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. That I think is one of the main reasons she's impacted me so much. Without who she is, watching the jam dance, as beautiful as she was on the outside, would not have had the same affect or still have the same affect, if I knew she wasn't as beauitful on the inside.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 04-27-2015 at 01:36 PM..
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