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Old 08-12-2015, 08:56 PM
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Default My totally made-up interpretation, analysis, and predictions.

My totally made-up interpretation, analysis, and predictions.

>Grégoire won't be on DALS6 this season.

>A&G won't participate in the DALS Tour this winter.

>Alizée mentioned something about a show they want to put together.

TF1 hasn't kicked Alizée and Grégoire away from DALS for good, but after last year they need to put some distance between the program and the distracting gossip/rumors. They create enough planned drama themselves for the show. This way the whole fiasco (true or imagined) related to Grégoire dropping out can fade away and the focus can be on the show. Maybe they will bring him back for the following season.

Last year Alizée was able to be on the DALS tour with Grégoire as the former show champion. This year the tour will consist of Rayane and this season's winner. They have to change the show up each year, bringing back Alizée and Grégoire would be stale to the audience. Variety and freshness is important.

Grégoire isn't the most popular DALS pro. I base this on the number of Twitter followers the pros have.

Twitter Followers
Fauve Hautot 390000
Katrina Patchett 177000
Maxime Dereymez 143000
Denitsa Ikonomova 132000
Christophe Licata 107000
Candice Pascal 100000
Gregoire Lyonnet 86900
Silvia Notargiacomo 46800
Christian Millette 47400
Yann-Alrick 24600

Chris Marques 352000
Jean Marc Genereux 264000
Pietragalla 86400
Further exposure via DALS won't get Grégoire any more fans than he already has. The show has a static audience without much churn. People who are interested in him already know him. His family studio seems to be doing well, probably helped a lot by his exposure on DALS. He'll need to find new venues to find new fans and gain further celebrity.

Alizée and Grégoire want to work on their own things. I won't go so far as to say I expect them to make a show that tours but I do think they are going to do dancing things. Alizée has found a renewed love of dance and if they can figure out some kind of show that can sell a lot of tickets, well that's a lot more profitable than selling 3000 iTunes downloads (I'm assuming she won't be releasing physical CDs anymore, just digital music, if any.)

I expect Alizée will still appear on some programs singing, but not as frequently as she had in the past. She is happy and will just do things she enjoys. Her new acting career begins next weekend!

I'm still as big an Alizée fan now as when I first discovered her. I do the little I can to support her every single day. It's a little tough to do that with no idea what she has planned but as always I wish her as much success as she hopes for. Whatever success may mean to her.

Sorry if my ideas aren't all rainbows and lollipops but they are what they are, and subject to change without notice.
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