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Old 08-29-2015, 05:53 PM
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Shepherd Shepherd is offline
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

A problem Alizee has grappled with for some years now is finding a musical niche in which she can succeed. She has experimented with a number of pop styles that haven’t worked for her.

The dominant style of music today is urban music, which is not at all appropriate for Alizee, making it more difficult for her to find a hit. Urban music doesn’t suit her personality or her voice. When she stood in for Britney Speers singing “Scream and Shout” in her soft, sweet French accent, it was like watching the Queen of England belt out “You got to turn this shit up.” As a fan of Alizee, I found it cute but not convincing. Alizee works as a French Mademoiselle, not a streetwalking ho.

I think a direction Alizee might take a serious look at is to go back to the style of music she first sang when 15 in the amateur contest—“Ma Prière” or “DuPiano Debout”—French, jazzy, and sophisticated. It won’t make her a blockbusting star or put her in the top 10 pop tunes, but it will bring her back from oblivion.

Last edited by Shepherd; 08-29-2015 at 06:15 PM..
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