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Old 09-12-2016, 06:47 PM
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Scruffydog777 Scruffydog777 is offline
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Scruffydog777 will become famous soon enough

Well I think her not being under contract with Sony, if there is even a remote chance that her singing career might some how continue is the best thing that could have happened to her and to be perfectly honest, if her singing career is coming to an end, it's not because of Sony's decision; it's because of her decision.

I give Sony an A for effort, but their efforts were so mismanaged, she had little chance for success and I think a large part of that is due to her input.

All you have to do is look at the album Blonde. First of all, she had such incredible beauty right out of the box. Though changing her hair color to blond was a poor decision; it had nothing to do with the failure of this album. Though the tats were in my opinion, a big mistake career wise, they had nothing to do with the failure of this album.

The failure of this album was caused by a few things. First of all, they chose a mediocre song to be the focus of the album and of course that is Blonde. Even if they had produced a great video, which they certainly didn't, it could not have done this song any good.

With someone like Alizee, with her beauty and dancing ability, they should've produced at least 3 videos for this album. Alcaline which they surprisingly realized was a good song on this album, should've been the main focus of another video. It told a simple story of a woman who wasn't happy with her life who used the music of her headphones (and it's alcaline battery) to escape. Again with her beauty and dancing, it could've made for such an easy video to produce. This song should've been a top 10 hit. But as amazingly hard as it must've been to make her look bad on stage.......they did and again, I have to think a large part of that is due to her input. How many times during the promotion of this album, did we see her look terrible on stage and great off stage? She and Sony could put out 100 more albums and they would all fail, because they don't know how to handle her. It's like a diamond in the rough. If you cut it the wrong way, which they have a talent of doing, something priceless becomes worthless.

K.O. to was another very good song. It was about her boxing Muhammad Ali. With her kick boxing ability, the potential was there for another good video, but it was another opportunity wasted.

I really enjoyed Alcaline and K.O., but certainly with Alcaline, not the way it was presented to us. So I put together two videos which I often watch using video from En Concert that was directed by two people who knew what they were doing and of course that is MF and LB.

So it doesn't really bother me at all that her and Sony have split. Hopefully she may sign up with another company, but Sony releasing her will not spell the end of her singing career. It will be her who brings her career to an end. Breaking from Sony can only be a plus, but I feel it might have come at a time that is too late to do her singing career any good.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 09-13-2016 at 06:18 PM..
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