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Old 12-01-2017, 07:05 PM
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Scruffydog777 will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I have not been a fan of anybody in the entertainment industry to this level in my life, so I haven't been exposed to "fan sites". I never looked for one, and didn't even know this site existed until recently.

For probably a bigger reason, my adoration of Alizee had to be a big secret during these 11 years. After 18 years of marriage, it was on its way to eventual failure in a way I could not stop. Alizee and her smile brought me much joy. Also, living in very conservative Texas and me being 20 years older than Alizee, it would be of great risk to share my discovery with anybody and not be accused of being thought of as a you know what.

The middle of those 11 years brought a lot of life changes, with a divorce and losing almost everything I worked for. Alizee was there always to cheer me up when I needed it. I have met a wonderful woman since and moved to a northern state to be with her. I was newly in love, getting used to a new city and job, and didn't follow Alizee much during those few years. I then rediscovered Alizee, and she had more music and videos to catch up on. I then realized how much I missed this woman. I find her even more amazing than I did back at the beginning, and appreciate a lot of the little things I missed before, like her facial expressions that make me melt.

I was curious about her divorce and did a internet search, and ran into this site, lurked a while, then joined. So glad I found it!
A lot of this sounds similar to my life. One exception was I did not keep her a secret from anyone, not coworkers, nor family. Maybe that was a mistake, maybe not. She had such an impact on my life, I thought she was sure to have the same effect on others, but though I'm sure a lot of people I introduced her to were impressed with her beauty and abilities, they lost interest for one main reason; they didn't understand the language.

Of course for an older man to follow a young singer, many people think of it in a negative way, even my own sister who despite me trying to explain why Alizee had such a major impact on my life, has never been willing to hear the 'whole' story. But almost 11 years later, I make it no secret I still follow her and when ever a coworker asks "Do you still follow her?". I say yes and it usually brings a smile to my face they don't understand.
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