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Old 01-17-2018, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
The first Alizée hub I joined required registration but the hub CleverCowboy mentioned doesn't so there isn't a way to be banned from it. They are two different 'places' with basically the same Alizée content.
Originally Posted by kulli View Post
Did it work? I am online right now and I can see your profile in the hub
I missed Ray's post about the new hub. That's great news. Digimaze who is one of the guys who ran the DC hub, posted in our forum I guess a little over a year ago that he was thinking of shutting down the hub because no one was using it. So I think I was the only one who tried or what's more likely had the ability to help him out.

I had been doing a lot of work with adding translations to DALS and SAGA and posting them on Youtube when I didn't run into copyright problems. So After Digimaze's post, I started uploading these files to the DC hub. He tried to send me a couple of pms through the hub on the naming convention for these files and for what ever reason, maybe my stupidity, I couldn't access them, so he banned me from the hub.

It's great to hear there is another place to upload files to that hopefully doesn't have a size limitation like Google drive. I will upload all the DALS files as soon as I get a chance, not to mention shows like SAGA which I think are alredy there. I suggest fans watch the DALS shows in order. It's a very good story.

I'd tried to tell Digimaze how busy I get at times. Just tonight, I wanted to post a magazine article from 2008 that I had found pictures for from AIFC, but translations for from a former member, Garconcanaidien. I kept looking and looking for them and couldn't find them, but then I stumbled upon the Alizee interview about the album 5 that was a tribute to France Gall who recently passed away had a big influence on Alizee.

I thought what a great story to post where France recently passed away. I had the pictures of the pages from the interview. I tried looking for an ocr program to read the French text, but when that failed, I tried a program that read French text, and that failed.

But there was a file with the AIFC picture files of a Russian translation. That worked great, but was time consuming too. I translated a page at a time, then going through and correcting mistakes such as Alizée was spelled Alize.
There were comments like 'He laughed', which were actually 'she laughed'. So like I said, most of my day was spent doing this, when I have a lot of other things to do.

I spent a lot of time tonight pm'ing one of her great fans from Finland that I met on a recent trip. We had discussed the possibility of meeting up to get together for one of the Tournee shows with another fan from Germany, but I think that is not likely to happen.

I'm mainly saying this because Digimaze failed to understand how little time I had to figure out his pm system when he could've easily sent themto my e-mail address that is readily available in the forum.

So I welcome this new file sharing site and will do my best to upload files when I can find the time.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 01-17-2018 at 01:23 AM..
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