Thread: Memory Lane
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Old 03-01-2018, 11:32 AM
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well back in 2008 she had concerts in Mexico, in fact one in Moscow before that, but she had I think it was 5 concerts originally scheduled in Europe, but that was whittled down to 1 in Paris, after the Mexico concerts. That was cancelled, rescheduled and cancelled again. I had tickets for it.

It was said her success in Mexico that due to the fact that only in the past few years thanks to Youtube that they had discovered her, so images of Moi Lolita and J'en ai marre were still fresh in their heads.

But quite frankly, when she came back to Europe, they were well aware of what she was capable of wanted no part of what she was offering. It was lacking in every department. You have to remember when you schedule a concert in Paris, all the best talents like Madonna, Lady Gaga, U2, Beyonce, Taylor Swift perform in Paris. You have to bring your A game and quite frankly what Alizee brought was amateurville when compared not only to all the great artists, but her own En Concerts of 2003/2004.

She had 3 other albums after that and there was talk of tours, but I don't think any thing was ever scheduled because of those albums lack of success. I think Blonde had potential, but who ever was in charge, didn't know what they were doing.

So only if the miracle of another good album happens along with someone who knows how to manage the promotion of it, the odds of seeing another concert aren't looking good.
The mood in France definitely changed toward her. This girl was the darling of France. How can you go from the rousing, thunderous cheering of the 2000 M6 awards to not being able to sell one show in your home country two albums later? Psyche wasn't her best album, but it wasn't her worst, and lots of people liked it a lot. You would think there would be enough fans still around to want to check out the new Alizee. Maybe with the album she should have hit the reset button as far as expectations and played in small venues and worked her way back up.
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