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Old 03-09-2018, 06:56 AM
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CleverCowboy CleverCowboy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

I have a lot of favorites, but listing a few here.

Mon Maquis is just an OK song on the album, but she really sells it in her live performance. I am not a rap fan, but coming from Alizee, it is charming. With her dance around the drummer, and the background singers joining her up front, this became one of my favorites.

This version of A Contre Courant is my favorite performance of this song. I like the orange background behind her. She wears very little makeup and really shows her natural beauty. I'm a sucker for her eyes, and in this performance they are vibrant. Plus, she gives a short interview at the end, and I like to hear her talking voice.

I wish somebody could translate what the announcer says at the beginning, because look at the co-host's expression at 0:12. LOL

This performance is my very favorite of all time, probably by any artist. The first time I watched it, I thought she was unreal, like from another planet.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 03-09-2018 at 10:13 AM..
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