Thread: Les Enfoirés
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Old 03-16-2018, 09:00 AM
kulli kulli is offline
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kulli is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
This is from LE 2011. It is the last performance of the event, and the performers, as a group, started filing into the arena from one of the side entrances (cannot really tell which one it was, but it was a bit of a walk to the stage). They were banging these sticks over their head in unison to the music as they slowly made their way to the stage. They were walking in the aisles, so people were crowding both sides. Alizee, being one of the short ones of the group, was in front of the pack.

Every other person had a smart phone or a camera and was taping or taking pictures as they passed. Most had their phones in front of their faces. One of my pet peeves is why would somebody go to a live event and watch it through their phone??? Alizee is walking four feet in front of you, and all you see is her on your iPhone. Doesn't make sense to me!
Un Jour De Plus Au Paradis is a great version of the orginal by Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise and my favorite of LE 2011 even though Alizee had no strophe to sing. I like the part when they all sing together on the stage.

It’s a fallacy to think you can experience something and document it at the same time, regardless of what. When you use your phone to record something or are texting you are not really there. Your mind is somewhere else.
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