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Old 06-19-2018, 09:20 PM
Edsel Di Meo's Avatar
Edsel Di Meo Edsel Di Meo is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Age: 24
Posts: 129
Edsel Di Meo is on a distinguished road

Well i want to tell you guys how discovered Alizée's music:

In November of 2017 i was going through a really hard moment because i did something bad to a friend so i was super alone and sorry, back then my birthday was soon so my sadness almost made me desire to not have a birthday party and this one was special cause i was turning to eighteen. One day i was on my facebook timeline just reading memes and looking for a reason to be happy and this blog appeared (i'm not pretty sure this one was but the date is close so i'm gonna pretend that was this one, maybe it is):

When i read that post i was like "who's her?" and then i clicked and my god, i had a reason to live! it was Alizée!!!! I couldn't believe that someone was THAT beautiful, also i love that performance cause everything is prefect in it, the crowd is on point, her voice is omg, her movements!, her look!! i could describe hundred more things but these ones are the most important for me.

Then i looked on her Wikipedia bio too see who's her and how she was doing nowadays, i frankly got a bit sad when i read she left the music 3 years ago but i decided to be happy cause i felt a bit alive so i wanted to hear her albums, i don't remember what was the first album i listened to, but i remember that the first weeks i listened to MCE, Gourmandises and Psychedelices.

Every day for me changed since then so i said to myself that i wanted one of her albums because for me she is more than just an artist is like a symbol of freedom and she's even more than that! she was my reason to keep being happy! also back then i was going to travel alone for the first time from Venezuela to USA (houston) and i was going to stop first in Panamá and returning i stopped in Los Angeles so Alizée really helped me to be distracted and relaxed during the flights....

What i want to say with all of this is that Alizée changed my life so i wanted to advertise her music some way, what i did first was to join in some FB alizée groups and 3 month later i discovered this place. I confess that i was afraid that this kind of places were completely alone and abandoned, also i wanted to be accepted for you guys and i didn't know if you were going to accept me. Fortunatelly i met Ray and he seemed pretty kind and then i met every of you and i happy to be part of this project.

This is my story and i hope you guys liked it haha
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