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Old 06-23-2018, 11:15 PM
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Edsel Di Meo Edsel Di Meo is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Age: 24
Posts: 129
Edsel Di Meo is on a distinguished road
Default My love

Bonjour! I'm sleepy but i'm going to try to write today's blog:

As you see in the title today im going to tell you about the girl i really love!

This girl is very special, i like her because she's someone who always work hard to get good results, she study 2 careers at the same time (both are engineering), another thing i like about her is her smile, her smile is awesomeeee!! (Alizêe's smile is better but my crush's smile is good too) and even though she doesn't have time to even herself (yeah she's always studying and studying and studying) i always try to help her as much as her time and my knowledge can, i feel a bit sad for her because she told me that she wants to play the violin, learn english and workout but the bright part is that if she gets 2 engineering titles i'm sure she'll have enough money and time to develope those habilities, and if you're wondering if she have ever failed a class the answer is nope, she every semester manage to pass every class so yeah she's very talented, lovely, sweet.... a long etcetera haha

I always say to myself that she's my Alizêe hahaha and the reason is that she's as talented as Alizée so i have no doubt that my crush will get awesome results when she starts working... Another fact is that she knows how to get good results on pressure because every day between monday and thursday she's jumping between both universities (yeah she study one engineering on mine and another on other university) haha you can see now why i always try to help her, also we're going to get together on monday to study some C++ because of a test we have on thursday and friday...

Well... this is it, i hope you guys like it!

Baisers! Au revoir!
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