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Old 06-24-2018, 10:09 PM
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Edsel Di Meo Edsel Di Meo is offline
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Default Just another day.....

Bonjouuuuuuur!! Ca va? ca va bien merci c:

wow today've been a stressing day because i had to do so much homework but okay today i want to tell you guys some studying strategies i use to learn fast and they have to do with Alizée....

The backstory first: I have a test tomorrow for a class that is those kind of classes that doesn't have practice it's only to memorize a f***ing book so you can tell now why i had a hard time studying haha

This class has a lot of dates on it because it talks about Culture and great persons like Tesla, Oppenheimer, Einstein, Aristotle and such.... so to learn the date when they born i use a simple rule, you should know that Alizée born on 1984 okay for example: Aristotle born 384 b.C so what i do is the last to numbers are the date when alizee born 1984 and the first number is the first number of her age (33) so as you can see i can remember pretty good the dates using this rule, another example Einstein born on 1879 so what in this cause the rule is that Alizée born on 1984, so the difference between 79 and 84 is just 5 numbers so if i imagine the number 1974 plus 5 it's 1979 and i can remember that he born on 1800 basically cause if not this whole calcs would not have sense hahaha, i hope you can understand this mess.... And i have other rules but this is enough for a blog....

Baisers! bye bye!
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