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Old 07-04-2018, 06:35 PM
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Ray4AJ Ray4AJ is offline
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I always try to find where new photos come from, and I provide a clickable link to the source. In this case with Bilitis being an Alizée insider and having her personal collection of behind the scenes photos that she took herself, I think it's important for fans to thank her directly. She has released special photos before, and hopefully fans will respect that so she continues to do so in the future.

It's true in the age of internet popularity no good image goes un-shared and I'm sure Bilitis is aware of that.

For people that may not be aware of who she is, she used to travel with Alizée to appearances and trips. As far as I know she did Alizée's hair and makeup at least during MCE and En Concert and was with her during the Psychedelices tour. She has also released videos from those days on occasion.

You can see some of her Alizée videos on her Vimeo channel. Scroll through because there are other videos unrelated to Alizée.
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