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Old 10-25-2018, 08:13 AM
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CleverCowboy CleverCowboy is offline
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by eru777 View Post
Yes she went a big mad with the tats but I think they are interesting. Maybe not THAT many but hey, it's her life. The video I posted is a showcase of how she can be both cute & sexy at the same time. Not many women can do that.

But I think there is a certain inner radiance that she exudes that is why people love her so much. Her charm crosses boundaries of language and culture, that's why people all over the globe are her fans.
I have gotten over her tats - it is what it is. I love that woman for far more than just her physical beauty. I will always think they were a career blunder, but as you said, it is her life.

We have had a recent discussion in another thread with one of our newest members, a female (Bamagirl), about how the attraction of Alizee crosses gender lines. Alizee does not feel threatening to females, at least those who feel secure with themselves.

I know Alizee has plenty of US fans because of YouTube, but I think mainstream America really missed out on something special. She would have built a huge fan base, even with her language barrier. If only she would have been given a chance.
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