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Old 10-29-2018, 12:20 AM
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Against The Current
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I read she had to pay one million dollars to Mylene to get the rights back to use her business name "Alizee".
Originally Posted by Rev View Post
My understanding is that she paid Mylene 1 Euro for her name. Mylene had protected it for her.
I concur with Rev. I usually have good memory and I was pretty sure that the figure was only 1 euro; he beat me to it so I think it's pretty certain. To have to pay 1 million euro for the use of the unique name her own parents gave her would be quite the parting slap in the face from MF. One that I don't think Alizée would have forgiven.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I think at one time her and Jeremy had a chunk of change, well in the 7 figures...

...I have said before I felt they lived beyond their means thinking their popularity will last forever. They took a big chance and lost. Money problems cause most marital issues, so putting two and two together, you can make some reasonable conclusions.

Alizee rose to fame during a worldwide economic recession fueled by the .com bust and 911. If she would have had the guts to sink half of her money in stocks in that 2003-2004 time period, when things were bottoming out, she would be loaded today. But, shoulda woulda coulda. Most of us missed that opportunity.
I have no love for the J-man either but to be fair, I'm pretty sure he comes from a very wealthy family. I believe this was discussed some years ago by members here (I think Euphoria in particular?) when their split was confirmed. ALS posted several times about their living at fancy Parisian home by a golf course that was under his name.

Psych was indeed a commercial failure, and they disagreed about how to manage their money but as to some reasons why they split, I think one needs to look no further than the lyrics of Mon Chevalier. Some things may be changed, but I have a feeling there's more than a little grain of truth in there. And that of course, is only her half of the story.
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