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Old 12-06-2018, 10:13 PM
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Edsel Di Meo Edsel Di Meo is offline
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Edsel Di Meo is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
Thanks, Cowboy! I appreciate those encouraging words!

This conversation has started me thinking a lot about what it means to be an entertainer/celebrity. I never thought of it this way, but it really is a meandering, unpredictable, unclear and convoluted process! I think I always looked at it like you were either a successful singer/actor/performer or not...or at least that the measurement of your success was based on some kind of understandable scale. But when you think about it with regard to one person, Alizée, it becomes clear that it is not at all that simple. It's not a career that follows a predetermined or predictable path. It is not even a career that remains in one discipline--singing, acting, dancing are all very different, and I think the differences are greater than the differences found within most professions. So what does this mean for Alizée's professional future? I think she has to decide what, specifically, matters most to her—to define what it is that gives her life a sense of purpose and meaning. Is it fame--no matter in what entertainment form that is attained? Is it making a living from dancing? Is it performance for the performance's sake--in other words, is it the live audience experience that stimulates her and gives her a sense of personal and artistic satisfaction? Or, as you mention, is it possible she is going to choose to concentrate on raising a family at this point in her life?
There have been many performers and artists who have taken a break from the spotlight, and then successfully returned to it. Could Alizée be one of those people? I believe she does have that indefinable quality called "star power." Naturally, she needs to make wise business choices, but I can see her being fully capable of taking some time off and then returning to a successful public career.
As someone who enjoys Alizée's work, however, I selfishly would like to see her continue to produce it at least to some extent. I also think it would be helpful to her when she is ready for an eventual "comeback." Perhaps guest appearances on shows, as has been mentioned, and the occasional concert--even in smaller venues. Getting involved in charitable-type performances might be something she could consider too. Or an ongoing online presence, at the very least. And so we are back to what you originally said. She needs a good agent who can help her figure out not only what she wants, but how best to accomplish it.
Wow ! What a good comment !
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