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Old 12-21-2018, 06:50 AM
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by stephan View Post
I remember times when she was hiding her beauty, but that was rather long ago and those were very sad and dark times indeed. This time I'm happy to see her enjoying her own sensual elegant style and being the Alizée we know. Actually going back to roots or at least trying to. More or less actively performing again. Remember when she told she is never going to sing again? Phew, I'm glad she changed her mind. However, I'm still a little bit worried. I hope this positive trend remains.
Nobody is immune to hitting those low points in life. The failed marriage and canceling the Blonde concert tour... I can only imagine the rejection she felt at that time, both personally and professionally. I don't blame her for not wanting to put herself in that kind of situation again.

She is no different than any other person in that she needs to feel wanted. I don't think there is any question that Gregoire stepped up, and her fan following on FB and IG has reached her. It's like a new chapter in her life now, and I hope like you do that she continues to have the confidence to put herself out there performing and that her fan base responds and support her.

The part that concerns me is that she seems to have fallen from grace in her home country, as far as singing goes. France should be her bread and butter. Maybe that will change.
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