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Old 12-24-2018, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
Speaking of Alizee's face, do you have any thoughts as to what physical characteristics make Alizee's face so beautiful??? By characteristics, I mean in terms of facial structure (eyes, nose/mouth shape, that kind of thing.)

The characteristic that I keep coming back to is that Alizee--- again, I'm talking about the young Alizee-- is that she looks slightly like a boy.

I watch the various En Concert songs on a regular basis--- to me, she's absolutely beautiful there-- and I've convinced that the "boyishness" in her face is what gives Alizee her beauty.

No one would mistake Alizee for a boy--- her features are extremely feminine--- and yet at the same time, she vaguely resembles a boy. Do you know what I mean?

I'm not attracted to boys--- I'm just saying that the subtle boyishness in her face is beautiful, somehow. Its fascinating, visually stunning.

What are your thoughts on that?

What characteristics do you think make Alizee's face so incredibly beautiful???

Just wonder if you have any ideas. I really wish I understood what it is about Alizee's face.
I think I am going to take the opposite view. Instead of Alizee having some resemblance to a boy, I think boys that age often still have "baby faces" that are associated with feminine traits.

My first impressions of Alizee was just how feminine she was, and at the same time in America the women were trying to become more masculine. Alizee didn't try to hide it, yet at the same time she seemed strong and not like some sort of waif.

Most people will say they like Alizee's smile best, and she does have an incredible smile. I am transfixed on her eyes though. I know I have brought this up one other time in the past, but her eyes have a vaguely Asian look sometimes. I don't know if her family history has an Asian in it or her eyes just formed the way that they did, but I love her eyes. Example is the J'en Ai Marre Official Video. She is lying down and looking at the camera and at around 1:06 she does the "come hither" thing with her finger. Her eyes slightly look Asian in my opinion. What do you think?

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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Julia has a hardness to her beauty, kind of like Cindy Crawford. Cindy is an extremely beautiful woman, but I always thought there was a hardness, a seriousness to her look that I thought this is not a happy go lucky girl. This is not a woman who is easy to amuse and I feel the same is probably true of Julia.
Well put. A hardness. I thought Cindy Crawford was very beautiful as well, but she did come across the way you say. As for the models today, they all seem very robotic and cold coming down that runway. Might be because they are starving!

A supermodel that did not send out that vibe in my opinion was Christie Brinkley. She was like the All American girl in many ways. I think we all remember this

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 12-24-2018 at 09:59 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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