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Old 01-23-2019, 10:08 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
This appearance on the show 'Le Grand Blind Test' kind of shows a side of Alizee we don't get to see too often, where she is being tested, although it's just on the subject of music. It shows to me anyways she is quick minded. Even though she passed many times in most cases she passed quickly, knowing right away she didn't know the song or knew it would take too long to figure it out and she got the high score. It's not an acid test but like I said, I think it shows she is quick of mind.

From what I can ascertain she is a very bright, very intelligent young lady, that has grown to "know her own mind", who has matured into quite the "alpha female", that will only be "subservient" to those in her life that she has deemed it appropriate to be so.

If I had to "guesstimate" her IQ, and I'm usually pretty darn accurate, I'd put it into the 130 to 150 range, mostly due to the fact that she is hugely "self-critical", which can both greatly enhance, and, greatly degrade your intellectual abilities.

Like someone else I know so very well, (me ), she does not need "enemies" or "critics", to tell her her "weak spots", or "failings" for, she has "herself".

A very "sharp", very "sweet", very "self-aware" person that does not suffer fools easily, or well, and that only the "chosen" few will actually get to "know".

If she "looks you in the eye", smiles, and says "you can call me Lilli", then I think you are one of the "chosen", and will get to meet the "real" Alizée.

The rest of us, the "hoi polloi", get to see whatever "role" or "persona" that she has assumed for the particular situation "in hand" at the time.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
By the way, on that video when they had her sit back there in that mock beach scene with those two guys, she looked very uncomfortable with that arrangement.

The ending of that "appearance" "threw her a curve ball" that she was not at all prepared for, methinks, and she was kind of caught "off guard" for about a minute or so, until she "recovered" and had the presence of mind to "summon" some "arm candy" from her "team" to act as "defensive camouflage" and "distraction", to get her out of the" solo" "spotlight", for the rest of the segment.

And yeps, I pretty much think that she is not a "party animal" either, and only really relaxes amongst her select, "chosen few" friends, which is not a bad thing at all, in her situation.

The world really does not need to know anything about the "real" Alizée at all, really. She gets to have a life, "her life".

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
What exactly does her father do? I've heard "engineer"--- and I think I've heard "computer engineer"-- from various sources. Does anyone know more specifically? I'm very curious.
Where did I hear that her father was a "computer software engineer". Damn, I can't remember. Hmmm...

I will have to go find out.

Career wise, if she were to be involved in a "technical career", I could see her as a "software engineer", which kind of leads/ties in to the DJ'ing thing, or maybe as a "Civil engineer", tending towards being an "Architect", which would allow her to exercise her creative abilities.

But, to be honest, if I were to pick a career for her, it would be as a "Pediatrician", or something in the "healthcare field" to do with children, for, if you look at her, she "shines", she "comes alive", when the "cause" is anything to do with "children".

Go look, and do some research, and you will see what I mean.

Be safe, y'all.

Last edited by RedRafe; 01-23-2019 at 10:31 PM..
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