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Old 01-28-2019, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
I don't know about the 130-150 range....
...I would suspect that Alizee's i.q. is somewhere above average. Perhaps 110-115-ish ????
... That's why I'm curious about her dad--- intelligence is quite hereditary. ...
...110-120 would be my "guesstimate" for Alizee.
Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
From watching En Concert, I get the impression that Alizee is very good at keeping track of everything that is happening around her on the stage. All performers have to do that, but she's exceptionally good at it-- its an impressive mental skill.....

Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
You are completely right, Scruffy. I know something about IQ tests, and they are far from perfect and they do not measure all types of intelligence.... I dislike throwing around "IQ" scores as though they tell the whole story about anyone.

All that being said, your video clip is a good example of Alizée's quick-witted-ness and poise. There is no question that that is a facet of intelligence. Whatever her score might be on a traditional "IQ" test, there is no doubt in my mind that she is a very intelligent woman--and I base that on numerous aspects of her life, career, and everything that we, the public, have been allowed to see of her.
Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
I'd really like to know her I.Q.--- whatever it is, it plays a role in her x-factor. There's a definite "cleverness" about her. Even her facial expressions are, fundamentally, a kind of cleverness.
Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
...I think you're on the mark here: 130-150 sounds right to me.
OK, a little background and then my opinion at the end.

Below is a brief description of the 7 Types of Intelligence & Their Characteristics. IQ tests have typically tested 1 and 2 (and sometimes 4). Think of this when you try to evaluate someone, especially Alizée. Which categories is she strongest at?

1. Linguistic Intelligence
People who develop linguistic intelligence tend to demonstrate a greater ability to express themselves well both verbally and in writing. This type of person has very strong awareness and an ability to easily understand the viewpoint of others.

2. Logic Intelligence
People with this profile have the ability to manage Math and logic with ease. They have quick insight which helps them to solve complex problems.

3. Kinaesthetic Intelligence
Kinaesthetic Intelligence relates to the ease of bodily expression. This kind of person has a great sense of space, distance, depth and size. With greater control of the body, this person can perform complex movements with precision and ease.

4. Spatial Intelligence
Those who have heightened spatial intelligence have the ability to create, imagine and draw 2D and 3D images.

5. Musical Intelligence
Musical Intelligence is a rare kind of intelligence.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence
It is often said that people are born to be leaders. Those people are known to possess Interpersonal Intelligence. This group are practical people with a great sense of responsibility. They are calm in their ways, they know how to listen and speak but above all, they know how to use their own knowledge and power to influence people.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence is a characteristic of someone that is deeply connected with themselves. This type of person is usually more reserved but at the same time commands great admiration from their peers. Among each of the seven types of intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence is considered the rarest.

Alizée is strong in several of the above areas, possibly including number 7.

As for her IQ. As I have said in forums articles in the past, I have no doubt she is above 130.
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