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Old 01-30-2019, 11:37 PM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Mr Coucou is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Popular music over the last decade or so, save a few songs here and there, has been pretty awful in my opinion. ... But the bands you list, those were the ones I grew up with, and I can add dozens more to that list. Those days were incredible for rock, and I was spoiled.
Same with me.

In your opinion, when do you think music "went bad"??? For myself, I'd say around 2003. For me, there was some really good music in the late 90's to early 00's.

I think 9-11 was a sort of cultural turning point, or something; the country hasn't been the same since. I don't think 9-11 "caused" the decline--- the problems have been festering for decades. Let me give an example: In 2000, Madonna did a version of "American Pie". The video is on youtube--- and someone commented about how the video reminded them of pre-9-11 America, and how much they missed pre-9-11 America.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I have spent some time listening to the songs of French artists, mainly the ones I get exposed to from Les Enfoires. I watch their videos on YouTube, and it is like taking a breath of fresh air. Plus, I don't have to deal with the twerking.
I'll have to check out some of those artists. (Also the ones Eru mentioned.)

Still, I have the impression that the English language is better for writing songs than French--- and that is what explains the stark difference between England and France in terms of music. For instance, I've heard people describe French as a monotone--- in contrast, I've heard one French speaker describe English as sounding "flowy." Perhaps English is easier to "melodize" than French due to this. And then there is the huge vocabulary of English--- which gives English more flexibility in terms of rhyming, as well as allowing more nuances of meaning. And on top of this, (I believe) English has more flexibility in terms of grammar than French. Etcetera. (I need to find an expert in linguistics and ask them if they know anything about all this.)


Once again, Alizee should become an actress. (If her tattoos are an issue, they can be removed with CGI. About 10 years ago, one of Mark Wahlberg's tattoos was removed for a particular scene. With a.i., its going easier and easier to remove an actor's tattoos, literally at the push of a button.)

Last edited by Mr Coucou; 01-30-2019 at 11:37 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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