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Old 02-14-2019, 11:44 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road


I will make absolutely no secret of it. I am not a huge fan of "Valentine's day" at all, in fact, that's just me being very, very "polite".

To me it's an "occasion" for the "young", the "cute", and those that are "very much in love".

"Colour me cynical", but my "little" self scores 0/3 in the above.

Having a really good dose of "Flu B", with a cheeky little "chaser" of "Pneumonia", just to "jolly things up", just makes the whole day even more "shinier". Feels kind of like the feeling you have, after being expertly "worked over" with a Baseball Bat, and then run over by a truck, just for good measure.

So, up pops Alizée's latest Instagram post, for "Valentines's" day. I was braced for some kind of the usual generic "cutesy candyfloss", but that wasn't what was there.

Instead, there was this kind of "arty" pic, that my waaaaayy more than usually "cranky" and "crotchety" self was kind of "unusually" quick to try and dismiss as being "not great".

And then I read the little "comment" that accompanied it.


Yet again, somehow, Alizée', you managed to find a "chink" in that "Adamantine Armor" of mine, and all of these "miles of prepared defenses", and score a "killing shot", "straight to the heart"...

That one brought both a "grin", and a couple of "tears"...


"L'amour, c'est se sentir toute petite dans l’immensité de la vie mais me sentir grande dans les yeux et le sourire de celui à qui j’ai dit oui"

"Love is to feel very small in the immensity of life but to feel great in the eyes and the smile of the one to whom I said yes"

Alizée' , once again I kneel before you, humbled yet again by your "wit" and "eloquence".

I look at this "image" of your "chosen", that loves you so much, at his "eyes" and his "smile", and see that his love for you is "beyond all measure", and that your "stature", in his eyes, is "way beyond" that of a "Goddess".

As is only appropriate.

This was very well done.

From the bottom of my heart, I salute you.

Please never ever stop being who you are, "love", "sing", "dance", "be you", for the world is a far "better", lighter, place for your being in it.

(P.S. <sniffle, sniffle, sniffle>, <snork>, you owe me a "box of tissues" for that)

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-14-2019 at 04:29 PM..
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