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Old 03-17-2019, 11:04 AM
imverynuts imverynuts is offline
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Default Mysterious Moi Lolita Era Dress picture!

Maybe this should be in Alizee Discussions and you guys can move it there but this post by alizee.concept on instagram really peaked my curiousity:


Why is this curious you ask? Well, I googled searched this image and found nothing. I would bet this account could actually be run by Alizee or Mylene, or someone very close to either, to have that outfit on display..

The account also has a pic of one of the dresses Alizee wore to the M6 awards:


Also one of the MCE dresses:


When alizee.concept posted that fur dress it really got me wondering, what other exclusive stuff will this account show? I even messaged the account asking if they have more stuff because it's just pretty interesting what it's showing!
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