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Old 04-01-2019, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
That’s a thought—I was thinking it might be some kind of eye surgery, too. But I had lasik a number of years ago, and you don’t have to completely cover your eyes like that, though you do need dark glasses thevfirst day and to wear sunglasses a lot afterwards. I was watching TV the same night after I had the surgery. But eye surgery of some type is, I think, the most likely explanation for a completely bandaged eye.
I knew a guy who suffered a detached retina in one eye after his Lasik. He had to wear an eye patch for a while. It's not to say that Alizee had Lasik, but a detached retina can occur due to a number of reasons and the success rates of reattachment are in the 90%+ range.

Or she could have an eye infection.

Or maybe she did bump it and it bruised and she chose to cover it. If there is a woman with a bruised eye, what is the first thing people think of? She might have put on the patch herself to protect her husband from speculation.
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