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Old 04-05-2019, 01:07 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Hmm, consider this post a sort of “bump”, with a large “side order” of “waffle’…

Well, it’s been an interesting past couple of days, in more ways than “one”…

I’m pretty sure I’ve been “smacked around the back of the head” a couple of times in the last “few”, so here I am…

à votre service, comme toujours, et sera toujours…

Now, It might surprise you to know that, despite my very deep “military technical” and “medical” background, not to mention all the “runny”, “shooty”, “jumpy”, “swimmy”, “climby”, and, “falling out of things” stuff that I had to do, (and was very very good at, may I add ), I have a very “deep” and “profound”, spiritual “side”, apart from being “nominally” “Buddhist”, and am a “devout” believer in “synchronicity”.

Let me give you an example…

I will admit to being more than slightly troubled by Alizée’s recent prolonged “vacation”, which is just, undoubtedly, pure utter “selfishness” on my part, which I ashamedly apologize for, for “herself” gets to “have a life”, if you know what I mean, and the “happier, the better”, as far as I am concerned, for I wish nothing else for her, and Greg.

Anyhow, so, there I am, at “work”, up the very top of a 40 ft ladder, “unsecured”, because of the awkward position I had to be in, making some very delicate repairs, “bored out of my mind”, contemplating the “most wondrous enigma”, that is Alizée, and what could be “going on”, and then all of a sudden, the “canned musak” that had been “droning on” in the background, “let rip” with “La Isla Bonita”.

No, we are not talking the “Lizard lips”, oops, sorry, Madonna “version”, IT WAS Alizée. YES Alizée. THAT IS THE FIRST TIME I PERSONALLY HAVE EVER HEARD Alizée on the mainland U.S.A., on anything other than any of my “devices”.

To say I was surprised is/was probably the greatest understatement ever. I sort of, ermmm, “slipped”, and came down that ladder like a “greased Ferret”, and probably recorded my “second” fastest vertical “descent”, without a “Parachute’, ever.

I was so surprised I didn’t even have time to “scream”, or ‘curse”…

So I get to the bottom, quicker than I really would have “liked”, and the only thing I could think of to say was, “omigod, that was Alizée”…

Well, my “friend’ at the bottom of this ladder, who was supposed to be “securing” it, but unashamedly ran off when I kind of “forcibly decamped” from my “niche” up top of the ladder, turns and points down an aisle, and “squeaks”, there she is, is that her???

I couldn’t help it… I honestly knew better… I did… Honest…

But I spent the next five minutes going, where, where, where, where…

Until it “hit” me…

This is Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood country, in fact, until very recently, they used to be “locals”, and I’ve met both of them repeatedly, and, quite a few other local “celebs”, such as Wes Studi, and Kramer from Seinfeld, to name but a few.

Bearing that in mind, my friend, he wouldn’t have known Alizée if she came over to him and kissed him on the forehead…

So “Alizée”, well, she was that cute blonde girl that he had just ‘spotted”, that he thought I had been talking about…

Yeah, so, Alizée in East Central Oklahoma… NAW…

But, just for a second…

Anyhow, “synchronicity”…

I’m thinking about Alizée, and then up “pops” Alizée singing “La Isla Bonita”, (which for some stupid reason I associate with Alizée, and, Corsica, even though I know it’s not), followed by “UB40 (I Can’t Help) Falling In Love With You”…

Expect “incoming” news soon, methinks, if I “read” this one correctly, “Tarot” and “I Ching” reinforce this…

“Changes”, and, “movement”, “soon”.

Annnd, some "Avocado Rolls" and some really good "Saké", ‘cos it’s been a long hard week so far, and I might just deserve it…

Y’all be safe, please take care, and if you ever need anything, I’m here, somewhere, “out in the shadows”, as usual…

Last edited by RedRafe; 04-05-2019 at 11:37 AM..
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