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Old 05-20-2019, 10:37 PM
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Yes I'm quite sure the complex she lived in near the old cemetery was an apartment and not a condo, so I think that would make everyplace she lived in there an apartment.

Aside from splurging on clothes and accessories, Alizee lives a frugal life for someone worth 50 million. Even with her clothes, it's believed some brand names are given to her gratis for the sake of advertising. I find it difficult to believe she could be that wealthy. The magazine may have been scrambling for content when they came up with the idea for the article, then simply invented the figures. How could they legitimately find that information? It's not likely celebrities would give it out freely. Nor is it likely they would debate their incomes in the public domain, so the magazine was safe from being challenged. If the publisher were writing about Trump's net worth, they might have had a problem.
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