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Old 07-11-2019, 01:46 PM
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Shaylee View Post
Ray Kurzweil has some great documentaries about this. Computers are advancing at an exponential rate. Moore's law states transistors double in microchips every two years but, size might limit that. If we can get into quantum computing and photonics that would fix this. Artificial intelligence could pass the Turing test for human intelligence in 2029. The singularity is possible in 2045. We'll have nanobots in our bodies to cure diseases and medical tricorders. Aging will be seen as a disease and we will become immortal. This is just a prediction though not fact.
I read somewhere last year that Bezos and other multi-zillionaires are heavily investing in life extension research. The problem with this is if immortality is ever reached, it will be for the select few (the elite) and whoever they deem to be worthy to keep around. Their nanobots should be able to treat mental disorders, because the way the world is, being immortal would lead to insanity eventually.
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