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Old 09-24-2019, 05:20 PM
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
The best songwriters are from the English-speaking countries---- such as England or the U.S. (Blondie, for instance, is an American band.)

If Alizee had been smart in 2004, she would have left France and moved to London or to Los Angeles. Britain and America are where the best songwriters are to be found.
It looks like Paris was too far away from home for Alizee, so London or LA would be torture for her.

Many French singers can also sing in English. In Les Enfoires, where a good number of songs are in English, you would never know the performers are French. There is little to no accent (some though have prominent accents). Alizee has a very tough time with English. She said in some interview that she lost the ability to converse in English because she had very little exposure to English speaking people on a regular basis. She also has a very heavy accent when she does speak English.

So would Alizee be better off with an English-speaking composer writing music with French lyrics (which might be difficult to rhyme), or English lyrics and have her accent be very evident?

Since you brought up the US and the UK, I have not been very fond of the rock music coming out the UK for quite some time. The UK definitely had their hey day, producing many of the legendary rock bands in history. But we are talking about already 50 years ago. Even the more recent epic bands from the UK, like Radiohead, formed 35 years ago.

A resurgence of rock will start in the US. There will be a new movement eventually. There are alternative rock bands everywhere, some pretty good, but "alternative" does not define a movement, but rather the band playing music that cannot be classified anywhere else. The last one I enjoyed was grunge, with Nirvana leading the way.
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