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Old 09-25-2019, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
Anyway why many of you tend to think that Alizée was kind of manipulated by Jeremy? I've read many times that Jeremy might have pushed her to leave Mylene and make some bad choices. Is there any "evidence" of that or is it just your impression?
I'm asking this because it seems difficult for me to imagine that Alizée could be manipulated by a random guy, especially because she is very close to her family, but she was very young and I bet also disoriented...
The word "manipulate" is a strong word and is usually associated with somebody who is a control freak. There is evidence that Jeremy was the controlling type. There is also evidence that Alizee is the type of woman who likes the man to lead. She did take the Lyonnet name. No Jacotey-Lyonnet last name, just Lyonnet. It doesn't make her subservient, but is evidence that she leans towards traditional values. A manipulative person can exploit that.

Annily was not baptized as an infant, which is customary in the Catholic faith. She was baptized after she left Jeremy. Alizee did not seem very religious, at least at that time, but there must have been a lot of pressure from her family to have Annily infant baptized. Jeremy, being Jewish (non-practicing), could have turned the other way and let it happen, but it never did happen. My thought is that he forbade it to happen. Alizee probably would have had Annily baptized if the door was open to do so to appease her family, especially after disappointing them by eloping.

If Jeremy had that much control over their relationship, there is no telling what went on in their private life.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 09-25-2019 at 07:46 AM..
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