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Old 09-25-2019, 09:32 AM
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Aragorn97 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
Alizee was young (19), and in love with Jeremy. And like you said, "disoriented" by what she experienced over the last 4 years. She could have been easy to manipulate.
I see. But this let me think that she had troubles with her family... Because when you are so young, your family is the only certainty you have and, from what I see, she distanced herself from it. I think she saw Jeremy as a sort of gateway to escape all the pressure she had had to handle, because of Mylene and probably her family as well. The way the marriage was made proves this, in my opinion. Even though I think that her family only wanted her to be happy and she was probably as rebel as any other young son/daughter.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Alizee is the type of woman who likes the man to lead. She did take the Lyonnet name. No Jacotey-Lyonnet last name, just Lyonnet. It doesn't make her subservient, but is evidence that she leans towards traditional values. A manipulative person can exploit that.
I don't know. I've never understood why she took Greg's surname. It's something that would be dated even for my grandmother... I see it just as a tradition from Ajaccio. I don't want to think that her mentality is 100 years old. I mean, even though she might want the man to lead (in a modern way), I think that in her ideal marriage man and woman have equal rights and decision-making power. She is too young and has traveled too much to have a different idea about this. At least I hope so.
Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Annily was not baptized as an infant, which is customary in the Catholic faith. She was baptized after she left Jeremy. Alizee did not seem very religious, at least at that time, but there must have been a lot of pressure from her family to have Annily infant baptized. Jeremy, being Jewish (non-practicing), could have turned the other way and let it happen, but it never did happen. My thought is that he forbade it to happen. Alizee probably would have had Annily baptized if the door was open to do so to appease her family, especially after disappointing them by eloping.

If Jeremy had that much control over their relationship, there is no telling what went on in their private life.
... what you wrote here makes me think what I wrote above: she didn't like her life and saw Jeremy as a new path to follow. I don't think she knew what she was going to do, she probably dashed into that new life only to experience something different from a reality she didn't like anymore. And Jeremy probably took advantage of the situation here. And, as I said, everything was easier for him if it is true that Alizée had pushed her family away.
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