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Old 10-04-2019, 12:11 PM
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Silencio Silencio is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
You mention Alizee's "naturalness"--- but we've never seen Alizee as a dramatic actress, so how do we know exactly what Alizee would be like? Alizee would be playing a character, rather than playing herself--- "naturalness", as such, is not relevent. All that matters is 1) the deepfake looks real and 2) the movie is entertaining.
Every actor/actress contributes a part of his/her own individuality when he/she plays a role. That's why a remake often drastically differs from the original even if the plot remains similar. For example, I can't watch Total Recall with Colin Farrell because I find his personality and acting expressionless when compared to that of Arnold Schwarzenegger. So if you manage to attach Alizée's face to the body of Linda Hamilton, for example, it will still be Linda Hamilton, though strange-looking.

What are you going to do with the voice, after all? Leave it from the original movies or try to simulate Alizée's speech and put it instead?

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
If it looks real, what difference does it make?
I think the first ever cloned human will be Alizée. And the first sex robot model will be named "Alizée 2003".
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