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Old 10-15-2019, 07:01 AM
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think it was CleverCowboy who first posted some of Vadim Sanderson's Italo Disco videos. I've very much enjoyed some of them. I decided to do a little research on him and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there about him, even on his Facebook page, except to say he's from Russia. Here's what he posted on his YouTube page....

He started a little over 2 years ago and his videos have had over 45 million views...That's astounding! This one video alone has had close to 16 million views.

The official video for Blonde only had 8 million and ACDLA only 4 million.

I think the best part of this is if Alizee is having thoughts of another album, she'd love to know that so many people out there are still interested in her, that's if she knows. I'll have to try and post something about this on Instagram and tag her unless someone else wants to do it.

What got me started on this was Vadim has several videos and I found it hard to keep track so I made a list of just about all his videos along with the number of views so far and when they were posted and I saw all the views and it amazed me.
I had stumbled across one of Vadim's videos some time ago, saw it was a tribute video but had millions of views. I watched it and it was very good. I had to do some research on what "Italo Disco" was because the music had a nice sound to it and many of the songs had a beat that matched the movements of Alizee without having to speed up or slow down the video clips.

Scruffy, I have seen all of your tribute videos and many of Rhein's, and to get thousands of views on one is doing pretty good, but millions is pretty amazing. I wonder what Vadim's stats look like as to where most of his views are coming from? I'm going to guess mostly from Russia.

The only other Alizee tribute video that has this kind of numbers is Alizée - Hypnotizing dances and movements which has over 2M views

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post

Alizée ♛ Italo Disco ♪♪ 2k18 Vidéo Mix 5,162,000 8/2014
Thanks for cataloging all (or most) of them! This is a nice reference thread.

This one hear is one of my favorites, if not my most favorite from Vadim so far. Alizee's moves are in sync with the music very much.
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