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Old 10-21-2019, 11:31 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Lets see…

Cool, another couple of really cute IG posts from Alizée and Greg…

Sooo, it looks like these were taken on Sunday, when they had their “puppies” out on a walk along the “seafront” around about Ville d’Ajaccio – Cità d’Aiacciu area…

Looks like a little slice of “perfection” to me, strolling around in beautiful surroundings, in “cool” company…

Now, somebody, somewhere, is probably thinking something “along the lines” of, “awww RedRafe, not more “boring” pictures of her dogs, not interested in them!!!”, but, think about it this way. Most of us are never ever going to see Ajaccio, let alone Corsica, or actually see/meet Alizée, but, through these pics, we get to sort of “see” and “experience”, albeit rather “vicariously”, what Alizée and Greg are “seeing”, “doing”, and almost, in a way, “feeling”, at that particular time…

In a way, it’s almost like being there with them…

Well, closest I’ll get to it anyhow, so I will settle for that…

Make any sense, at all??

Two of her greatest “treasures”...

“Avant”, translates as “Before”..

Apres”, “Samoyede crasseux, Samoyede heureux”, roughly translates as “After”, “Samoyede filthy, Samoyede happy”

Now, this is a really cool little pic that just makes me smile so much, for here is their “little puppy girl” Galak, just having so much fun. Just look at that grin. She just “radiates” “happiness” and “contentment”, it looks like all in her little life, “is good”, and that just tells me so many wonderful things about her owners

All of it good

Hmm, 31 degrees C (around 87 or 88 F) on the 20th of October is waaayy hot for Ajaccio at this time of year. Normally, you would be looking at a temp of anywhere between 17 to 21 C, as in around 62 to 69 F.

“Hot dog!”, right enough…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist that…

What else…

As always, some really cool pics from Jo on his IG page, go check them out, you will not be disappointed…

He has the “heart of a poet” and the “eye of an artist”, and this is reflected in many of his shots, many of which are just astounding…

In this instance, a really cool “nature” pic of a Butterfly, (a “White” one, thank the Buddha ), paired with some really nice, effective “chillout music”...

Nice pairing, works very nicely…

Also, go check out Johann’s IG page, for he also “showcases” some very nice “shots”. Trust me, if I wanted to plan a “hitching”, or required some “wedding shots” done in the Ajaccio area, he is the guy that I’d be wanting to talk to…

Y’all please take care, be safe, ‘k…
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