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Old 11-23-2019, 12:05 PM
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Shepherd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I've said in here before where supposedly Madonna said, "You can have a good performance or you can have good singing, but you can't have both." and I firmly believe that. How could Alizée do the Jeam dance, the ML dance, not to mention JPVA and Gourmandises and not have it affect her singing?

It's difficult to dance and sing at the same time. Dancing takes an artist's breath, so the voice is compromised. This may not be a problem if the singer is standing at a mic wiggling their hips, but if they are dancing all over the stage, forget about singing. J'en Ai Marre might not consume much of Alizee's breath, but it's a complicated dance, so what is she going to concentrate on getting right, the dance or the song? Also it's not unusual for an artist to have a problem with their voice. The doctor might tell them to stop singing, but they are contracted sometimes for hundreds of thousands of dollars to perform. The contract will stipulate that if an artist is physically unable to perform, they can be excused without a lawsuit, but a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money. Fans who bought tickets, made hotel reservations, and paid plane fare will be angry and possibly take their aggravation out on the artist. Who wants to be responsible for all of that? If the recording is of the artist's voice and their body is on stage, I don't see a problem with lip syncing.
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