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Old 12-08-2019, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
Is Mexico really so dangerous?

The gangs in Mexico are real and they do prey on tourist. When Alizee went there, she had a team of bodyguards. Having said that, the situation is not as dark as I originally portrayed. My statement that I would risk my life going to Mexico to see Alizee was romantic hyperbole. If you go to Mexico, the odds are heavy in your favor that nothing untoward will happen. Although in recent years I have avoided Mexico, I have been there many times without a problem. My sister still goes there for a vacation every year without a concern for her safety.

The number of tourists visiting Mexico soared, reaching 35 million visitors, up 9% from 2015. In the first three months of 2017, the country saw record numbers, with 9.3 million visitors bringing in $5 billion in revenue.

One of the reasons I chose to retire in San Antonio is that Hispanics dominate the population here. I like the food, the people, and the culture. Although there are Hispanic gangsters, and they can be horrible, most Hispanics are devout Catholics dedicated to their families. They are some of the hardest working people you will ever find. Like every ethnic group, there are good ones and bad ones, but the vast majority are good.

As for Trump, I'll let history be the judge.

Last edited by Shepherd; 12-08-2019 at 07:03 PM..
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